South Hill Dental

Meet South Hill's Dental Day finalists

Meet South Hill's Dental Day finalists

Our commitment to the community is still our priority! We are offering a complete dental makeover for up to 3 patients instead of our free dental day.

Giving back to the community in Pullayup. 

South Hill Dental Makeover

Our commitment to the community is still our priority therefore we are offering a complete dental makeover for up to three deserving patients instead of our free dental day this year. This is to take place instead of our annual free dental day. This will allow us to perform the treatments in a safe and controlled environment which is completely safe for all.

Dr Kunal and his team have now selected nine finalists up for the South Hill Dental Makeover 2020. It is now over to you to make the decision to pick your favorite finalist below.  We will select the top three finalists from the public vote to be the winners of the South Hill Dental Makeover and you have 20th October to get the nominations in. 



Cathy Ball

Cathy Ball South Hill Dental Finalist

Ms. Cathy was our family babysitter for 15 years. Now that my siblings and myself are grown up she comes over a couple times a week to help do things around the house to make some extra money. Ms. Cathy is one of the most giving people I have ever met and what makes her so special is she is always giving and trying to help those in need, but she does not have a lot herself.

Jesse Chandler

Jesse Chandler South Hill Dental Finalist


Jesse was involved in a fight helping two other friends out around 11 years ago. This fight happened, because Jesse was trying to help his two buddies out who were in danger. The fight turned out to be a disaster, because a 24-year-old ended up punching Jesse (at the time who was 14 years old) in the mouth and he ended up losing his two front teeth. The residuals of this accident have made Jesse have to deal with significant dental problems to date. Jesse also has lead damage to his teeth.  

Angel Rubio


Angel Rubio South Hill Dental Finalist


Angel is a dear friend. She had one of her adult teeth damaged as a baby, and it’s been a problem since it grew in . She has had multiple fillings on it and they just fall off. She has been told it’s too tiny for a veneer and the only solution is an implant. She is very self conscious of this tooth especially Because it’s right there in the front! Angel is a recent single mother to 3 children and I know this would be an amazing gift to her! 

Alan Rockey 



Alan Rockey South Hill Dental finalist


Endeavouring to establish his handyman business, he has bit had the opportunity or resources to establish himself with a dentist. He is the sole support for his family and building a business in this climate has been very difficult. 

Michael Brazier 
E Graham

Michael Brazier South Hill Dental finalist


Mike has been a amazing hard working and faithful husband and father. He works 40- 60 hour weeks to provide and take care of his family and always has. He puts himself and his needs last to be there for his family and provide for them. Mike has needed some Dental implants and other work in his mouth for a long time. We haven’t been able to afford the work he has to have done & I don’t know when or if we ever will. 

Robert Littrell


Robert Littrell South Hill Dental Finalist


To best describe Bob, image a 16 years old man in a 62 years young man’s body.
Fortuitously, Bob has never lost youth’s candor and kindness most of us lose as we age.
Bob is the most selfless person I know. There are many laudable traits Bob is blessed with; he was dubbed: “Bob Littrell, all around nice guy” by his friends and coworkers.
But above all, Bob is a 13 years stage four throat cancer survivor.

Samantha Grant 

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Samantha Grant South Hill Dental Finalist


Samantha goes above and beyond for everyone. Even though she is my fiancé i have known her for 15 years. Every since Jr High i have her seen her work her ass off and to turn around and use her own money to help those in need and never once asked for any type of attention. Anytime see she someone need something even if its a $1 short in the store she is there helping. She feeds the homeless in downtown Seattle a week after Thanksgiving. She makes them sack lunches and collects blankets and gloves and passes them out. 

Jennaka Anderson



Jennaka Anderson South Hill Dental Finalist

She is so deserving to be happy and confident with herself. She is always giving and caring about others and puts herself on the back burner. She donated a kidney to save a women’s life 4 years ago with no hesitation. She is signed up to be a bone marrow donor and is always looking for ways to help anyone. 

Diane Romano



Diane Romano South Hill Dental Finalist


I would like to nominate my mother, Diane Romano. Throughout my life, my mother has shown such resistance even with the darkest of times. She has been sober for a long time and has fought for everything she's ever gotten in her life. She lost 4 of her bottom teeth years ago and we have never been able to afford for her to have them replaced with implants. She is very self conscious of them and I know if she has implants it will directly impact her life in the most wonderful way.